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5 Scientific ways to attract and keep any man you want

Men are visual creatures, plain and simple. Nature made us that way. It’s how we operate. Beyond our rational and creative mind, we are simple mammals that are wired to continue the human race. In essence, we are procreating machines.

Scientists calculate that over 99.9 percent of all species that ever lived have become extinct. But not us humans. Why? Because our genetic wiring continues to evolve to always be masterful at mating and reproduction.

A big piece of that mastery starts with the man’s complete infatuation with the woman, which, biochemically speaking, is sparked solely from the visual.

Of course, you are more than just looks, but if you want to capitalize on a 20-million-year-old process that’s embedded in our DNA and learn how to attract men into your territory, let’s study the art of body language and see if it affects the amount of men you attract into your circle.

So, for women curious about how to get a guy to like you, here are 5 simple ways you can beef up your mating game and attract a few more men into your life, all without saying a word.

1. Smile more often

By far the easiest and simplest way to invite a man to come into your kingdom. Men are more intimidated than ever to approach women in the 21st Century. Why? You all can do just as much as we can now, so we are lacking the confidence that our forefathers had when roles were more clearly defined. A warm smile can ignite a man’s courage to walk up to you.

Respected relationship expert Dr. Pat Allen suggests using red lipstick since our 4-legged primate ancestors once attracted their male counterparts with their swollen vulvas. Now that we are on 2 legs, parts are, well… quite hidden, so evolution has passed the mating magnet to another pair of exposed lips.

2. Make eye contact and then look away 

A little eye tennis goes a long way. When you are sitting at that Starbucks, combine your smashing smile with 3-5 second eye contact. Two seconds is, “Did she just look at me?” Three seconds is, “I think she just checked me out, but maybe the guy behind me.” Four to five seconds is, “Oh, it’s on. She just checked me out. I got to talk to her!”

The combination of the smile and eye contact subconsciously tells a man that you are approving of him as a potential mate.

Dr. Pat Allen continues to note that humans have more white in their eyes than any other species, mainly since we use our eyes more for communication. In any event, play up that optic communicator, and pick an eyeliner that accentuates your lovely gaze.

3. Play with your hair

There you are at the bar, in class, or at the grocery store. He’s 10 feet from you watching the game, studying Chaucer, or picking up canned tuna. After you give the 3-5 second glance over to him, coupled with your adorable smile, you then go back to your previous activity.

As you hold your grocery basket in one hand, slowly slide your other hand through your hair, give it a couple of tussles, and then let it slowly drizzle from the nape of your neck down to the collar bone. The sexiness and playfulness of your hair, combined with the tenderness of your neck, will kick in a few mating chemicals inside of him that will ignite his hunt mode.

4. Raise your shoulder and arch your back.

This one will sound a little ridiculous, but you might want to let nature use its own sexual elixir to give you an assist while you are out and about.

Arching your back reflects lordosis behavior (basically sticking your butt out), which almost every female mammal exhibits during estrus. Estrus is the sign that all our male mammalian cousins are waiting for: the female has approved of their mating dance and is sexually receptive (i.e., in heat).

So think of all that DNA history pumping through the guy in aisle 3 when he sees you “stretch out” before you reach for the Rice Krispies.

5. Invite him into your personal space

You can hit all the fine points, but if you don’t pull away from the pack, then he might not ever go in for the approach due to the wall of your protective clan. Obviously, if you are alone you need not worry about this one, but if you and the girls or guy friends are out and you see a young buck checking you out, it might be time to take a stroll, which will invite him into your own personal space.

This all has to do with physical behavior and doesn’t speak to allowing your brains, humor, charm, and accomplishments to aid in attraction. There will plenty of time for all of that.

For now, allow your genes and natural history to be the best wingman in the business. We definitely don’t need to be slaves to our primate history, but it sure doesn’t hurt to be aware of it and use it gain influence with the opposite sex.

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