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Afenyo-Markin celebrates JHS graduates in Effutu constituency

The Member of Parliament for the Effutu Constituency in the Central Region, Alexander Afenyo-Markin last Saturday, August 19, 2023 had a great time with all Junior High School (JHS) leavers in the constituency.

The ceremony which was the second edition of JHS Leavers Fair was specialized in Counseling, Career Coaching And Motivation, Inter School Poetry recital competition, Inter School Dance Competition, Refreshment, among others.

Speaking to the students who await their results to push higher in their education, the Deputy Majority Leader in Parliament advised them to desist from unlawful acts and be of good behavior and influence in society.

“Thank you very much for such a great organisation. Having all of you here is a great delight. Today, it a privilege to have heard from those who are experienced enough to advise you, but let me attend to the summary of all that we have read this afternoon. I will start from the prisons box. We have told you, that if you don’t take care and you do anything illegal, the law will imprison you, and when you are in prison you can’t acquire your secondary education.

He added, “tell yourself you will never go to prison. The police commander also said one thing, that as for them they are enforcing the law so don’t think that the Chief in your community will go and beg for you, or you are close to a politician, no one will beg for you so be careful. You are young men and women coming up.

“Don’t be a victim of bad peer pressure, don’t allow yourself to the lured into smoking, stealing or any act that goes against the law. Stay out of trouble. If you are caught and sent to the police station, you will be sent to court. I don’t want any of you to be arrested by the police.”

He further expressed appreciation to all resource persons who contributed to the success of the event and prayed for good grades for all the graduates.

Below are some photos from the ceremony:

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