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Agradaa: My husband deceived me into church operation

Social media fanatic and leader of Heaven Way chapel, Evangelist Patricia Oduro Koranteng, popularly known as Agradaa has stated that, she had no intention to start operating a church until her husband convinced her to do so.

She said, she was doing well as a fetish priestess which was known as ‘sika gari’ and was not ready to leave the rich lifestyle and gods to convert into Christianity.

In a Facebook live, Agradaa said her husband, Eric Oduro Koranteng convinced her into starting Heaven Way Chapel and abandoned her during the starting process.

“I was living in Sowutuom and peacefully doing my business as a fetish priestess and then you and your pastor called Joseph Kyereh told me to stop it. You claimed that you have been a pastor for many years so I should stop what I was doing so that I can be Osofo Maame to support you to become successful.

“But you stabbed me in the back by conniving with Pastor Owusu Bempah to help your cause. I listened to you, stopped it and got baptised with the knowledge that you, my husband was going to take over the church but you left me to my fate and I had no choice than to lead the church myself following your betrayal” she said.

In October 2022, she was arrested by the Ghana Police Service over accusations from several persons including some of her church members that she had defrauded and scammed them under the pretext of doubling various amounts of money for them during a recent church service she presided over.

The Ghana Police Service announced that it had arrested Evangelist Patricia Asiedua, and was being kept at the Greater Accra Regional Police Command to help in investigations into complaints from several supposed victims that she was using her church and television station for a money-doubling scam.

The Christian Evangelist, when she was a Fetish Priestess, faced similar accusations of money-doubling scam.

After her so-called conversion to Christianity, Nana Agradaaa went public with an apology to seek forgiveness from all persons she had defrauded through her “Sika Gari’ scam and went ahead to publicly burn her deities and carved idols.

However, whatever wealth she gained from the self-confessed-fraud was never returned to her victims and the law enforcement authorities left her unpunished to enjoy her criminally gotten wealth and go ahead with her church business.

She was flourishing in her new found business until fresh allegations from her Christian congregation over the weekend that they had also become victims of same money-doubling scam, but this time, in the Christian church.

“The Police have commenced investigation into alleged money doubling scam allegedly perpetrated against some members of the Heaven Way Church in Weija, Accra, by the founder of the church Patricia Asiedua.

“The investigation was initiated following reports that have come to the attention of the Police on the matter.  We would like to urge anyone with information that can assist the investigation to report to the Accra Regional Police Command at Accra Central close to the COCOBOD building. While investigation continues, we urge everyone, especially those who might have been affected to remain calm and not take the law into their own hands”, the Police statement said.

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