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Akrofuom Assembly To Boost Coconut Production Ahead Of Planned Processing Factory

The Akrofuom District Assembly recently distributed about 10,000 nursed coconut seedlings to farmers within the district. This initiative aims to boost coconut production, thereby providing income for residents and supplying raw materials for a planned coconut processing factory.

The District Chief Executive, Honorable Dr. Maurice Jonas Woode, announced in his speech that 10,000 seedlings were distributed to farmers at a rate of 70 seedlings per acre, covering a total of 144 acres.

He emphasized that if farmers successfully plant and nurture these seedlings to maturity, it will enhance the district’s economy and generate more income for the community.

Dr. Woode also noted that while the seedlings typically sell for a minimum of 20 cedis each, they were provided to the farmers for free, urging them to grow and care for the plants diligently.

He explained that the distribution aims to make farming more appealing to the district’s youth by highlighting the financial benefits and to supply raw materials for a proposed coconut processing factory, which will create jobs and boost the local economy.

Honorable Alex Blankson, the Member of Parliament for the Akrofuom District, highlighted the significance of the distributed seedlings. He noted that coconut trees begin to bear fruit within three years, producing around 200 to 300 coconuts annually. Given the rising prices of coconuts, this underscores their value.

Hon. Blankson also shared that the district assembly plans to build a coconut processing factory in the near future. This initiative is why he and the District Chief Executive have distributed at least 10,000 seedlings annually to farmers over the past five years.

He anticipated the factory will be completed within the next 5 to 10 years, significantly boosting the local economy by providing income for farmers, creating jobs, increasing the district’s popularity, and offering nutritional benefits from the coconut fruit.

He urged farmers to diligently plant and care for the seedlings, as they will bring substantial financial benefits, especially to those struggling economically. He concluded by encouraging all farmers to register with the district’s Agriculture Directorate to access additional benefits from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Amo Koranteng, the Agriculture Director for the district, revealed in his speech revealed that in addition to the distribution of coconut seedlings, the government is also providing palm seedlings to farmers. The district has secured two suppliers, each supplying 10,000 seedlings. Furthermore, an Aggregator will assist farmers by providing financial support, farm inputs, and marketing assistance. He urged all farmers to work diligently to maximize the benefits of their crops.

Mr. Kojo Asamoah, a farmer and beneficiary of the seedlings, expressed his gratitude to the Member of Parliament, the District Chief Executive, the Agricultural Directorate, and the Assembly for providing the seedlings free of charge. He encouraged all farmers who received seedlings to plant and nurture them to maturity.

Georgina Gyamfua, a beneficiary, thanked the Assembly, especially the Member of Parliament, the District Chief Executive, and the Agric Directorate. She highlighted the benefits of coconuts, such as nutritious coconut oil and increased income and jobs. She urged farmers to plant and care for the seedlings to maximize these benefits.

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