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Bawumia is No Longer Ghana’s Economic Messiah

It is no secret that the majority of Ghanaians no longer consider Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as Ghana’s economic messiah. In fact, they are rightfully disappointed as Ghana’s economy is at its lowest point under the supervision of the Vice-President who is also the chairman of the economic management team (EMT) and by extension the manager of Ghana’s economy.

This is a fact that neither the Vice-President nor his team can dispute. It is the reality on the ground. It is clear when you visit all the regions of Ghana, especially the party’s stronghold of the Ashanti region. Presenting Dr. Bawumia as the flagbearer of the NPP (New Patriotic Party) will be a political suicide for the party. Shockingly however, some party executives are flouting the constitution of our party just to make the Vice-President the flagbearer of the party towards the 2024 general elections.

Dr. Bawumia is Politically Weaker and Suicidal

It is imperative to re-echo that by virtue of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia being the chairman of the economic management team of Ghana and the manager of the economy, he cannot exonerate himself from the current economic mess of the country, most especially when he managed to convince all of us ahead of the 2016 elections that he had the magic band to turn round the economy, put it on the right pedestal and equip it with the needed resilience and all the wherewithal to withstand every external shock. He further assured us that the economic prosperity of Ghana would be felt by the ordinary Ghanaian.

Sadly however, almost 7 years down the line, Ghanaians have witnessed the worst economic situation in the history of this country. On this premise, making Dr. Bawumia the flagbearer NPP (New Patriotic Party) will be suicidal for the party in a match against the politically experienced former President Mahama in the upcoming 2024 general elections.

No wonder former President Mahama seems upbeat and highly confident of winning the elections. It is incomprehensible to realize that there are some leaders of the NPP who know the weakened political stature of the Vice-President, yet are twisting arms and in some cases violating the party’s constitution, as well as the laid down conventions, just to make Dr. Bawumiah the flagbearer to the detriment of the party. Is this just mere carelessness or self-centeredness?

Ghana’s Economy at the Lowest Point While Ghana’s economy is at its lowest ebb under the watch of Dr. Bawumia, cases of perceived corruption are numerous, the suffering of the masses has become unbearable, the handling of the economy has been just theoretical, the value of the cedi is in a deplorable state, inflation is all time high and the list is tall. In fact, the Vice-President’s economic performance has inadvertently made former President Mahama popular in the eyes of many political watchers. Every Ghanaian, with the exception of those who are close to the corridors of power, is suffering and their hope for a brighter future keeps dwindling day in and day out. This is the reality on the ground and as someone who has toiled for the greater part of the NPP’s political successes I cannot be oblivious when political danger is glaringly looming for the party. In the Ashanti region for instance, more than half of the population are currently disappointed in his economic performance vis-a-avis other issues that could embolden former President Mahama to also label Dr. Bawumia as incompetent in case he (Bawumia) is made flagbearer of the NPP.

The irony of the situation is that going into election 2016, Dr. Bawumia was able to consistently label former President Mahama as incompetent, and this worked to our advantage. Unfortunately, the reverse is the reality now. If the majority in the Ashanti region are upset and disappointed with Dr. Bawumia’s performance, then readers can do their own Math relative to the level of anger in other regions. Why are some leaders in the NPP trying to make the weakest candidate (politically) the flagbearer of the NPP?

The Big Question

The question is with this high and visible level of questionable performance on the part of the Vice-President, why is it that he still wants to represent the NPP as the flagbearer after such a woeful performance?

Unprecedented Borrowing Under the Watch of Dr. Bawumia

This government has borrowed almost six times more than what former President Mahama did throughout his entire presidency. The question there is: What is Dr. Bawumia going to show for this piled up debt stock during the campaign in case he is ‘mistakenly’ made the flagbearer of the NPP? What about inflation, the unprecedented depreciation of the cedi etc.?


No NPP member should be under the illusion that members of the opposition NDC are so naive that they are not aware of the concerns I have raised. They are just waiting for the NPP to ‘mistakenly’ make the Vice-President its flagbearer in order for them to have a field day come December 7, 2024. A word to the wise is enough

By Francis Asante

(Finance Professor, USA)

A Leading Member of the NPP

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