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Citi Media schools journalists on Energy Transition

In preparation for the Conference of Parties (COP28), Citi media in partnership with the Natural Resource Governing Institute (NRGI) conducted a one-day training program to enhance knowledge in the field of energy transition in the media space.

The training session, which took place at the Crystal Palm Hotel – Tesano on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, hosted a number of journalists from diverse media outlets, serving as a prelude to the COP28 conference.

The session, offering participants a chance to delve into climate change discussions, emphasized fostering nuanced comprehension, particularly concerning transition challenges faced by emerging economies like Ghana.

Robert Sogbadzi, Dep. Director of the Ministry of Energy , Clement Kojo Akapame – Law Lecturer at GIMPA & Country Principal, Client Earth, Denis Gyeyir of Africa Senior Program Officer (NRGI), Riverson Oppong, PhD., Manager – Commercial Operations at Ghana National Gas Company served as instructors to enlighten the reporters during the session.

The workshop centered on grasping the concepts of Energy Transition and Just Transitions. It provided an overview of Energy Transition and the fundamental principles supporting it.

The focus extended to a detailed exploration of Ghana’s Energy Transition Plan, covering sector actions, costs, and emission implications.

The workshop shed light on existing policies, the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Energy Transition, and synthesized the policies, laws, and institutional architecture guiding implementation.

Additionally, it discussed the impact of Energy Transition on the economy and examined how livelihoods would be affected—whether negatively or positively—in the shift towards renewable and clean energy.

The workshop also aimed at understanding the implementation of Energy Transition in Ghana.

Robert Sogbadzi, stated that the world is shifting from using dirty fuel to cleaner sources like solar and wind energy. This underscores the importance for journalists to comprehend the concept of Energy Transition.

Wrapping up the session, reporters exhibited increased enthusiasm for covering energy-related issues, not only that but also reporting from an improved perspective.

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