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EOCO declares university lecturer wanted over his fake degrees

The woes of Dr Michael Adusei Boadu, a dismissed a Senior Assistant Registrar for the C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences (CKT-UTAS) in Navrongo are far from over.

After being dismissed by the University in May this year for the possession of fake degrees, Mr. Michael Adusei Boadu, formerly known by the institution as Dr Michael Adusei Boadu, has been ordered to refund the monies paid to him as salary and allowances for the one year he worked with the University.

“The amount you are required to refund is Two hundred and Thirty-one thousand, One hundred and Eighty-two Ghana Cedis, Sixty-Four Pesewas (231,182,64.00). You may submit a payment plan to cover the full amount paid to you to the Director of Finance not later than January 15, 2023,” the University’s new Registrar, Dr. V.A. AnkamahLomotey, wrote.

To add salt to his injury, Michael Adusei Boadu is on the radar of the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO).

A flier of him declared wanted and posted on the EOCO official Facebook page urging the public to help locate his whereabouts.

Details of the exact crime for which reason EOCO is on his heels is not captured on the wanted notice  but The New Publisher has been reliably informed it has to do with undeserving amounts taken as salary from his former institution.

Dr Michael Adusei Boadu was in May this year sacked by the University as a Senior Assistant Registrar for presenting fake certificates.

The decision of the University was contained in a termination letter addressed to Dr. Boadu dated January 9, 2023. It also ordered Dr. Boadu to “stop parading himself as a staff of the University”.

“You are also required to refund all the salaries and allowances you fraudulently drew from the University from December 2021 to December 2022 to the C.K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences GCB Bank Account number: 9021130002211.

Dr. Michael Boadu’s Bachelor of Laws and Master of Public Administration certificates from the University of Ghana were found out not to be genuine.

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