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Examination for Girls-In-ICT Begins Across All Centres

The first batch of the selected girls have started their testing knowledge on their computer literacy level after going through a one-week intensive training in Information Communication Technology courses.

The examination is one of the criteria for the determination of the best 100 students out of the 1000 girls selected from the 33 Districts.

The examination falls under two categories (Objectives and Practical) organised and marked by instructors from the Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT (GI-KACE)

The Head of Network and Network Security at KACE, Mrs. Lucy Mawutor Dzoagbe, explained that 40 per cent is to be drawn from each centre.

She explained that the objective form of exam would help reduce the large number and those with the highest score mark would be allowed to sit for the practical’s to be held at the various districts.

The practical exams are to allow them to demonstrate the skills and lessons learnt, hence, the girls would project to the instructors how to use computer programming and scratch for storytelling, create games and websites. The instructors would thereby assess and award marks for the final selection.

Eastern Region

The Ministry of Communications and Digitalisation Ghana (MoCD) in charge of all the operations commenced Training for 1000 Girls under its flagship program “Girls-In-ICT” in the Eastern Region with the objective of introducing computer literacy and encourage young girls to take interest in STEM education.

The first batch began on Monday 9th – Saturday 14th October 2023. It will train 327 girls selected from 9 districts. The programme is organized under the theme, “Girls-In-ICT; Digital Skills For Life”.

Districts under the first batch are Kwahu Affram Plains North, Kwahu South, Affram Plains South; Kwahu South, Kwahu East; Kwahu West; Atiwa East; Atiwa West; Fanteakwa South; Fanteakwa North; Abuakwa South; Abuakwa North and Abuakwa South.

The girls will be taught basic skills in Information Communication Technology (ICT) including fundamentals to programming, scratch, coding, game development, animation development, social and internet safety among others.

2nd and 3rd batches of the ToG are scheduled to follow in the third and fourth week of October respectively.

About Girls-in-ICT

The Girls-in-ICT is an initiative of the International telecommunications Union (ITU), aimed at introducing young girls to basic ICT skills.

Also it is meant to empower and encourage girls and young women to acquire digital skills and consider studies and careers in the growing field of information and communication technologies.

Ghana has adopted the initiative and observed it on a regional basis through the Ministry of Communication and Digitalisation headed by Mrs. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful.

It has already been celebrated in Greater Accra, Ashanti, Northern, Volta, Western, Western North, North East, Central and Oti Regions.

The program involves the training of trainers who at the end trains the girls.

Training is being held amidst business competitions among various groups to select the most outstanding. Prizes are awarded to deserving persons and groups.

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