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IGP leaked tape report ready for public consumption

The Ranking Member of the Committee on Defence and Interior James Agalga has appealed to the Speaker of Parliament to, as a matter of urgency, help get the report of the Special Ad-hoc committee on the leaked tape in which some senior officers of the Police Service were heard plotting against the Inspector-General of Police, presented before the House next week Tuesday.

According to the Builsa North MP, who served as vice chairman of the committee, the delay has given room for unhealthy speculations about the committee’s work.

“Mr Speaker that report is ready and before we went on recess it was listed as one of the papers to be presented for the consideration of the House.

“Now given the public interest character of that report, Mr Speaker, I want to use this medium to appeal to you to direct the business committee to list, as a matter of urgent importance, that particular report for us to deal with as a matter of urgency starting from next Tuesday,” Mr Agalga noted in Parliament on Friday, June 14th 2024.

He stressed: “Because this thing (report) has been on the ice, it has given room for all manner of speculation about the report, so it’s high time we bring closure to that report”.

The committee which was chaired by Abuakwa South MP Samuel Atta Akyea was tasked to investigate the leaked audio where the senior officers were heard in a conversation with former Northern Regional Chairman of the NPP Chief Bugri Naabu planning the removal of the IGP from office.

Among other things, the officers were heard saying the IGP was too professional and could not be easily compromised.

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