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I’ve not been celebrated enough – Mzbel cries out

Popular singer, Mzbel has revealed that she has not been celebrated enough in Ghana despite being in the scene for over two decades.

“I have not been celebrated up to 10 per cent here in Ghana, no not at all but the Ghanaian community outside celebrates me when I travel outside the country,” she said in an interview in Cape Coast.

According to the veteran musician, Ghanaians living abroad always celebrate her achievements whenever she travels outside the country.

Mzbel remarked “The Ghanaians abroad make me feel that I have done something worthwhile and tells me what they used my music for in those days.

“But here in Ghana I’ve never been celebrated enough but they’ll call you former artiste and that you’re no longer relevant and that I’m outdated.

“Even when I post a video they’ll say that because my songs didn’t blow so I’m now doing teaching and they’ll never encourage but discourage you.

“I have not been celebrated here in Ghana, never, but as for abroad yes they really cherish what I have done in the music industry,” she added on Property FM.


She further disclosed that she started wearing of skimpy dresses in the music scene.

“It’s true I’m the one who started wearing short and skimpy dresses in the music scene because I don’t see anything wrong with it,” she stated.

“When I entered the music scene I didn’t learn, I just entered so I did whatever I felt comfortable doing and I got a lot of backlash. But when things were changing and people began getting exposed, they realized that showing your thighs isn’t bad and those who can’t stand it should control themselves.

She added “Unfortunately people didn’t understand it that way but anytime someone will expose their body on stage or do something sexy then they say that Mzbel brought this thing and that’s true”.

Trouble Looms

She again spoke about the need for artistes to be spiritually fortified.

Mzbel said musicians who don’t take spirituality seriously always get in trouble.

She remarked “I agree that you need to be spiritually fortified in the music industry because music is a spirit since it’s capable of changing the mood of people. Music is a spirit and the moment you hear it, it changes your mood to either become angry, happy, horny or sexy and also makes you excited.

“Music is spirit and so if you want to do music business and you don’t take your spirituality seriously then you are in trouble. When the spirit comes you need to know and understand how to carry it, how to manoeuvre it and what you ought to do with it,” she said.

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