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Leave Them If They Dis-value Your Relationship

A lot of times young people spend their time and energy searching for qualities that can’t stand the test of time, qualities that don’t really matter in the long run. Young people focus on the physical and material forgetting that a person is more of their internal qualities than the physical or material hings they own. You should look out for the following:

A Good Heart

A person with a good heart will at all times treat people right because they will at all times have good intentions towards others. Even when they are angry or hurt they won’t get to the point were they want to mistreat their partners or anyone else.  They are not vengeful.

A Listening Ear

People who take time to listen to you are people who wants what is best for you. They listen so they can help you with solutions or to even remind you to walk in a better part in future. Such people will always wait to hear your side of every story even when others have accused you. They will pay attention to every details because they know it is important. They won’t shut you up when you try to advice them and won’t tell you that you can’t have an opinion.

An Understanding Mind

An understanding person will always be patient,will always give you the benefit of doubt, will try to see things from your perspective and not jump into conclusion. With this kind of people having a misunderstanding  is rare and when there is one,  it is easy to resolve.

A Selfless Nature 

A patner should be able to sacrifice and really be ready to at some point put you before themselves. A partner should  be able to say I have pursued my dream to this point now let me hold on help my significant other. They should  be willing to share in everything you do from success to failure, absolutely  anything. As they think of themselves they should also think of you. They should be supportive.

One With Empathy 

A patner that can not empathise  with others is a dangerous one. Someone who is happy at someone’s  downfall or failure  or the death of an enemy is not one to be friends with in the first place. Your patner should be able to cry with others, be happy for and with others, for no particular  reason other than the fact that they are humans.

These are basic qualities that ensures that your patner will treat you right, like a human should be treated

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