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Scientists report five ways to save the planet

The dangers of climate change have been well reported for years. But what’s had less attention is how the world could effectively tackle the issue.

Yesterday, UN scientists laid out a plan that they believe could help people avoid the worst impacts of rising temperatures.

The report, by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), essentially calls for a revolution in how we produce energy and power our world.

To avoid very dangerous warming, carbon emissions need to peak within three years, and fall rapidly after that.

Even then, technology to pull CO2 from the air will still be needed to keep temperatures down.

Here are five key ideas that the researchers say are critical to keeping the world safe.

1 – Coal is on the dole (again!)

2 – Pie in the sky gets real…

3 – Curbing demand is a secret weapon

4 – Cooling the planet with cash…

5 – Eat the rich… or copy them?


Source: BBC

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