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NPP will win 2020 elections despite Amidu’s resignation and several scandals – Pius

Government of Ghana says despite the resignation of the Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu and several scandals being accused of, they are sure of coming out as victorious at the end of December 2020 elections.

According to Deputy Information Minister, Ghanaians will not renew four more years for the NPP depending on the resignation of Martin Amidu but rather on several developmental projects spearheaded by the Akufo-Addo government.

To Pius Enam Hadzide, the NPP has a unique record that is glaring to the people of Ghana and the people will choose the NPP and its leader after a comparative analysis of the performance of the NPP and the NDC.

“Let me assure you that we believe and trust in the people of Ghana that they will go to the polls and will make assessments of political parties and of candidates based on their track record and credibility of their promises. Fortunately for us, the two leading political parties and contenders have all had their chances on the seat of government.”

“Former President John Mahama has had four years, that is without counting his days with Atta Mills, as President and so has the current President, Akufo-Addo. The people are going to assess these candidates on their track records, and we are confident that with what we have done in terms of our policies that are turning Ghana into the food basket of West Africa,” he said in a Citi FM interview.

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