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Sports Minister calls out footballers’ personal gain over patriotism

The Minister of Youth and Sport, Mustapha Ussif has urged Ghanaian footballers to ingrain the attitude of patriotism and nationalism instead of their personal gains when representing the country in football competitions.

Addressing the 29th GFA Ordinary Congress in Kumasi on Monday, July 10, 2023, he highlighted the unpatriotic nature of some players and emphasised the need for them to patronise nationalism and patriotism due to the significant support provided by the state for the national football team.

As he expressed his disappointment, he said some players seem to prioritise monetary bonuses above national pride.

“I find it very difficult to comprehend and understand that the state will make all the resources available by making sure that we want to give the opportunity to all our national teams, get their flight tickets for camping opportunities, accommodate them for a very long period, feed them, give them trial matches, then when these players get to the tournament, instead of focusing on the tournament, the focus is now on bonuses”, he said.

Ussif hammered on the need for accountability in the areas of stewardship, transparency in all transactions, Memorandum of Understanding, sponsorship packages, and agreements entered into by the FA with both foreign and local partners.

“The management of our national teams is a solemn responsibility entrusted to the Ghana Football Association. With this trust comes the obligation to account to the people of Ghana for your stewardship. Transparency in all transactions, Memorandums of Understanding (MoU), sponsorship packages, and agreements entered, both foreign and local, is paramount. The National Teams will continue to receive support from the state, and it is our duty to ensure that all resources are fully accounted for, satisfying the expectations of the Ghanaian people” he said.

According to the Sports Minister, it is also the responsibility of the players and technical team to exhibit the spirit of nationalism and patriotism whenever they get the chance to represent the country.

“The government remains committed to the holistic development of sports in Ghana. Our unprecedented investments in infrastructure have been evidently clear for all to see” he added.

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