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I always say to people, you cannot give birth to a child when you are not a woman. The fact remains that you have to have the nature of a woman in order to give birth to a child. Men don’t give birth to babies because they are not naturally endowed to do so.

That word “blessed” in the above passage signifies an empowerment; it is the release of the nature that makes it possible for you to be fruitful. Therefore, fruitfulness for any child of God is not supposed to be a struggle. This is the mentality that you must always be conscious of. You rest in the knowledge of the fact that you have the ability to be fruitful, to multiply, to replenish the earth, to subdue it and to have dominion. They are all part of your package. In order words, it must work. Even if it’s not working for others, you believe and declare that it will work for you. That is true rest!

Do you know where God put Adam? He put him in the garden. A garden is not a bush, it’s an organized arrangement of trees, plants, flowers etc. God put him inside a place already organized. He put him there to dress it. Therefore, you can be working and still be resting because you already know how the story will turn out. That is the difference between a person that is toiling and another is resting.

Resting doesn’t mean resign from your job and sleep. It doesn’t mean that you should do nothing and get lazy. It simply means, in the midst of the efforts you are making, don’t ever think failure. Think success! Just know it will work; not because of your intelligence or your strategy, but because you are in Christ. Your marriage will work and your womb will have babies. All your desires, irrespective of what the enemy is saying, will materialize. No power will stop your progress. Simply rest in Him.

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