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40 DAYS OF POWER With Pastor Mensah Otabil

DAY 20 – JULY 10


Then the LORD put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.” -Jeremiah 1:9-10


1. Pray for God’s grace to overshadow and strengthen you; repent of behaviour and actions that impede the manifestation of His will to raise you to a position of influence.

2. Ask the Lord to grant you the spirit of meekness and humility to serve; declare that you will grow in your measure of influence. 3. Ask the Lord to raise a hedge of the around you and protect you from the snares and traps of the ungodly as you rise in the corridors of power.


4. Ask the Lord for a fresh baptism of His power over the church; declare a new day of authority and influence for His church in the world in Jesus‘ name.

5. Pray for an increase in the number of believers that occupy positions of influence and leadership in society; ask that by their strategic placement, they will promote godly standards. 6. Command the blessing of boldness and courage to rest on every believer in the body of Christ; bind and cast out every spirit of timidity that obstructs the truth.


7. Ask the Lord to elevate you to a position of influence in your industry and use you to set righteous and excellent standards in that area.

8. Resist every temptation to walk in laziness, corruption and bad practices in your held of business; declare that you will not be influenced by low standards but you will stand for what is right and godly.

9. Pray that God by His wisdom will use the influence He grants you in business and commerce to turn many to Christ and make disciples for Him.


10. Pray that godliness will be elevated in the business space in Ghana; declare that integrity will permeate through the fabric of the business environment.

11. Ask the Lord to endow the continent of Africa with zeal and determination to work diligently to grow in continental influence through faith in God, education, development and industry.

12. Ask God to cause Africa to rise up into a position of influence; pray that God will open our eyes to see and seize every opportunity for promotion in Jesus’ name.

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