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Feed Your Spirit

Today, I want to charge you to feed your spirit. You will agree with me that we live in a time when there is a high level of distraction everywhere. Wherever you turn, the billboards, internet, television, radio and even the drivers on the…

Hold fast your Profession

When the Bible says ‘hold fast,’ that means there is a possibility of letting go. It also means that there is a possibility of the enemy snatching it from you. And that enemy is the devil that comes with doubt and unbelief because of what…

Hold Unto The Promise

What you should fear is not what the devil is doing or what he brings against you to make you doubt what has happened in your life. You should rather fear that you may likely take a step that could jeopardize your inheriting the promise…

Call It What You Want

One thing we must understand in God’s dealings with His children is that the Bible clearly tells us from the very beginning that we are made in the image of God. There are things that God will not do for you. In fact, if He does it, it…

Devote Yourself To The Word

Today, I come your way to encourage you to hold fast to the Word you have received until your desires manifest. Jesus gave us a parable in Mark chapter 4 about the sower. The sower went out to sow some seeds. And verse 14 tells us that the…

Speak It Into Manifestation

In the book of Hebrews, God instructs us to hold on to our confession without wavering. That means, keep speaking the Word until you see the manifestation. He tells us not to waver! That means there’ll be occasions to want to give up and…